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Who am I, you ask? Well, let me tell you...


I am an independent Indian woman, residing in the United States of America, who loves to read, write, explore, sing, dance, design, and generally have a good time while going about the business of achieving her goals.


Having grown up in a culture and country diametrically different from America, I have a distinct view of the world that has been shaped by my struggles with societies expectations and the many ideological conflicts I have had to resolve within myself in order to arrive at the best version of myself. And no, I haven't reached that destination yet, though my instinct says I'm really close.


Being India meant that I grew up in a family where education was prized and prioritized, indeed sometimes to the detriment of other pursuits. I was expected to focus either on Computer Science, Engineering, Medicine, or Law. Yes, unfortunately that long running gag in the media is legitimate. I commenced my Bachelors program with an engineering scholarship in hand and grand ideas of double majoring in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. It took the next three years for me to find my voice and the strength to change my path. I graduated from Virginia Tech with a Psychology degree and a minor in Computer Science. However, being an international student meant no one would hire me on a work permit with just a Psychology degree under my belt. Hence, I hurtled down the road to an MBA. This meant that for the first twenty seven years of my life, I was a student. I took that opportunity to take as many Writing courses as I could squeeze into my curriculum along with any Interior Design classes that I could find. At age twenty seven, despite my best effort to run away, I found myself with a career in Information Technology and spent the next six years of my life trying to find a way back to my true happiness.


I am still on that journey now...

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